YG Acoustics or Dynaudio

I have been using a pair of PSB M2 monitors since 2004 but have recently upgraded some equipment and am thinking new speakers. Right now my focus is on either YG Acoustics 'Carmels' or Dynaudio 'Confidence' C1s or C2s. One limitation is that my present speakers are close--35 cm-- to the front wall and I'm stuck with that kind of positioning in an L-shaped room. The Carmels are a new model and I can't find a review; but the C1s have been highly praised especially in a smaller room. I would appreciate any relevant advice, particularly about YG Carmels which have some radical features. My system comprises Bryston 4BSST amp, Bryston preamp, EMM Labs XDS1 CD player, Oracle tt, with Kimber Select interconnects and cables.
The YG Carmel is a floor standing two-way for about $18,000. The Magico V2 is a floor standing 2 1/2-way for $18,000. The Magico Mini II is a two-way monitor on stands for $32,000. I don't know about the Dynaudio that the OP is considering.

Though I was not there, that comparison demo referred to above between the Carmel and the V2 was for two evenly priced speakers, so the comparison makes sense though it was set up to benefit the YG, I'm sure.

The comments above about the YG and Magico being a lot different in price (Mapman and Oeiras99) must be referring to the Magico Mini II at $32K, but I don't think that that speaker was part of the YG demo.

I hope this clarifies what seems rather confusing from the various posts above. I'm sorry I can't offer anything helpful about the Dynaudios.
OK, I was assuming V2 was more in that minis are monitors and more as pointed out. It was an apples and apples comparison price wise then between the YGs and Magicos. Thanks for clarifying that.

Regardless, I expect all speakers in those price categories to be absolute top notch and buyer preference the main determining factor.
There seems to be some confusion about price differences between speakers being discussed. I am comparing the YG Carmel at $18k and the Dynaudio Confidence C1 at about $7.5k. These particular speakers have been recommended, thus the discussion. From comments so far (see Raquel), I am leaning toward the C1s, price notwithstanding. I like 2-way monitors which suit my room better than large speakers, like Magico floor standers.
Oeiras99, who recommended these speakers to you? Each speaker only sounds optimal when used in a free space configuration. Why aren't you looking for speakers that are designed and intended to be placed close to the rear wall? Search the archives. There are several posts on the subject.
My dealer who has knowledge of my system recommended the YGs; Dynaudios were recommended by a trusted audiophile friend. Also, the review in Stereophile indicates that the C1s can benefit by proximity to the wall, as quoted: 'Dynaudio is correct in that the C1 is relatively easy to place in relation to room boundaries. This was a bigger issue in my small room, where being able to place them near the front and sidewalls returned huge benefits in sonic holography.'