Klipsch Chorus or Cornwall II

I have a pair od A/D/S 1590's and thinking of replacing them with Klipsch Chorus or Cornwall II. will rock n roll sound better on them and if so witch ones?
my amp is a mcintosh 7300. it should be enough power. What i had heard about klipschs is that you love them or hate them. out of the 3 speakers what one sound better with stones or even van halen. or should i look at a different direction?

Jon (newbe)
Do the newer Klipsch sound just as good as the old one's? My main concern is my room. Its 18 x 24 and its all ceramic tile. I did add a small area rug. Is my room a sound killer?
Chorus I or Chorus II or should i hold out for better Klipsch?
my budget is around 1200. I'm just looking for something better than my ADS 1590/s. i went to the only audio shop in Houston yesterday and heard the b&w 702 and 804's. the ADS sound better or at least to me. Maybe i need to start a new tread "what the best speaker under 1200? So far using Audiogon's Forums it was easy to pick out a amp, preamp and TT. picking out a cd player was a nightmare for a newbie (but i picked one on looks) now i'm just down to speakers.
Chorus does not sound very good, the bass alignment is off, skip it. The Chorus II is really good, however. And yes, your room is a sound killer.
If your budget is $1200, that is more than necessary for either Chorus or Cornwall (used, of course). I agree with Flemke that $850 is too much for the Chorus. I love my Cornwall II's, which often go for around that amount or a little more.