How to shop for speakers?

OK, I've got the upgrade bug. My problem is how to evaluate speaker auditions given the limited local choices and the inevitable differences in amplification, room, etc. I have a local dealer who will let me do home audition, but he does not carry 4 of the 5 brands I am interested in after attending RMAF. He is even getting the mfgr to send a pair for my audition. My problem is how do I judge the various speakers given the variability in listening environments and the time lapses between listening. Buying used for home auditioning and selling what I do not like does not seem practical to me given the price range I am looking at - not much available used in this range and too much potential for significant loss with each transaction. Besides what if I sell one I later decide was the best.

My short list after attending RMAF:

B&W 800d or 802d - not so impressed after dealer demo
Dynaudio Confidence C4 - waiting for dealer to get one for demo
Wilson Sasha or Sophia3 - was blown away by the soundstage of the Sophias at RMAF
I would like to audition Revel Salons or Studios or Sonus Faber Elipsa but local dealers are installers and do not have demo capability

My favorite at RMAF was JM Labs Maestro Utopia but they are out of my price range new.

Amplification is McIntosh MC501 ( this makes me a non-audiophile since I read in another thread that audiophiles do not use Mac equipment - I'm fine with that since I really like the music more than the equipment). But, I would like to hook up a MC275 during the hot summer months to listen at low to moderate levels.o

Not sure if this is a gripe or a request for advice, but I will appreciate any guidance that is offered other than the usual " you listen and decide" I already appreciate that.
I would just like to point your attention to the fact that you might be unable to get the speakers you want. At least new. Do you consider buying used or waiting for a demo pair to show up?
I personally would avoid spending a lot of money and still not getting what I really like. It doesn't have to be the very best but should be good enough.
I agree with Inna... you should seriously consider used speakers. Then if you are not satisfied or want to try another flavor you can move up, lateral or down with little financial loss.

BTW, as a previous Dynaudio C4 & Mac MC275 owner, I can tell you that the MC275 will not have enough muscle to drive the C4's, but your Mac 501's should work nicely. Keep in mind the C4's need room to breath (at least 350SQF), need to be pulled away from all surrounding walls by at least 48" and are not very good @ low to mid volume levels.... they need to be cranked up to sound their best.
I would buy these speakers:
Their current cost would be around $30,000 at least judging from the recent inflation of audio equipment prices. They use the same tweeter as Wilson uses[ although Wilson claims to modify them]. I had a pair of the Mini Utopia from the same period with the same tweeters and they were excellent. I sold them for exactly what I paid for them. I have not bought a speaker on personal audition since the early 60s; when I have heard some prior to purchase I have bought them DESPITE the audition, not because of it. It is really hard to hear speakers in anything like a home environment, most stores do not have good acoustics. I would buy something like these speakers and live with them for a year or two, you may want to keep them, if you don't you will have a much better idea of the sound you are looking for. In any case you are not likely to lose money. I don't understand why the 275 would be good for the summer months, most people want a SS amp for summer because of the heat. I like the 275 better than the Mac SS for what that is worth. I have absolutely no connection with the seller above, they just look like a good deal to me. I recently purchased a pair of speakers used and unheard and am very happy with them, but I know pretty well what I am looking for. Live with a really good speaker for a couple of years and you will too.
Altbrewer...there is no easy answer to your direct question. My suggestion would be to try to audition the speakers whenever business or personal travel takes you to a major metropolitan area that has 3 or 4 high end audio stores that are likely to carry the speakers above. Make arrangements in advance to book some time in their listening rooms with equipment that is similar to yours to the extent possible. There is no way to adjust for different room acoustics and ancillary equipment other than to note where you thought the performance was being impacted by sub-optimal set-up. At the end of the day, there is always some risk when you make a purchase decision if you don't get a chance to audition that gear in your system (which is rarely possible unless you live in a big city and have a good relationship with the local high end stores). The advice above about buying used is one thing to consider as that will limit financial loss if you need to turn around and resell one of these speakers. I would also make sure you have done your research and upfront thinking on matching amplifiers with the speakers selected. The MC501s should be able to drive all the speakers on your list. The MC275s however are likely to have a hard time with almost all the speakers listed above except for the Sophia 3s maybe. Good luck.