How to shop for speakers?

OK, I've got the upgrade bug. My problem is how to evaluate speaker auditions given the limited local choices and the inevitable differences in amplification, room, etc. I have a local dealer who will let me do home audition, but he does not carry 4 of the 5 brands I am interested in after attending RMAF. He is even getting the mfgr to send a pair for my audition. My problem is how do I judge the various speakers given the variability in listening environments and the time lapses between listening. Buying used for home auditioning and selling what I do not like does not seem practical to me given the price range I am looking at - not much available used in this range and too much potential for significant loss with each transaction. Besides what if I sell one I later decide was the best.

My short list after attending RMAF:

B&W 800d or 802d - not so impressed after dealer demo
Dynaudio Confidence C4 - waiting for dealer to get one for demo
Wilson Sasha or Sophia3 - was blown away by the soundstage of the Sophias at RMAF
I would like to audition Revel Salons or Studios or Sonus Faber Elipsa but local dealers are installers and do not have demo capability

My favorite at RMAF was JM Labs Maestro Utopia but they are out of my price range new.

Amplification is McIntosh MC501 ( this makes me a non-audiophile since I read in another thread that audiophiles do not use Mac equipment - I'm fine with that since I really like the music more than the equipment). But, I would like to hook up a MC275 during the hot summer months to listen at low to moderate levels.o

Not sure if this is a gripe or a request for advice, but I will appreciate any guidance that is offered other than the usual " you listen and decide" I already appreciate that.

Had a pair of M5's. Loved everything about them. Really responded to different amplification. Just need alot of room to really breathe well. Thats why I sold 'em. Just couldn't do them justice. Miss 'em tho'.


You have a difficult dilema. Alot of good advice here. I believe used is a good option. Read about systems and their characteristics. Determine what is important to you. If you can't hear an exact model often models in the same line have similar attributes. That may help.

Hopefully things you do hear can be as similar to your set-up at home i.e. source, amps etc. Impossible most of the time. I know you don't want to hear it but until you get it home with your own stuff you're never going to know what its really like.

At least if you find a line you like, are impressed by models within that line perhaps a used purchase won't be so daunting. You may find you scored! I bought a pair of monitors like that. Years ago heard larger speakers in the line-up. When I needed to downsize and saw a pair of monitors from the manufacturer on Agon I remembered what I liked the most of those speakers. So I researched them a little more and pulled the trigger. I am not saying I remembered all the subtle nuances of the speaker but I did remember what impressed me most. And that plus the characteristics of the monitors as point sources helped me arrive at my decision.

My 2 cents. I know you got a tough choice ahead of you and wish you the best.
I like Aaronmadlers idea of using Audiogon to find users nearby to audition your choices. Some speaker makers even formalise this, with a list of users prepared to Dem, particularly the smaller manufacturers. tyler comes to mind. Many in the hobby are thrilled to meet other enthusiasts. HiFi can be a solitary business, in my case, the family think it all a bit weird, but tolerate my foibles.
I personally dislike auditions in a dealers. You can almost hear the meter running... time is money, time is money. You always feel the pressure to place an order, except in the best.
I would add Vandersteen five As to your list
They can be tuned to your room will then disappear as many other speakers hope to but only in ideal rooms. One of our Clients has them sounding great with Mc 501s and Kimber Kable
Best Johnnyr
I would second the comment above on knowing your room; what size is your room and what limitations (if any) do you have on speaker placement? All of those speakers you mentioned are very good; very good in the right room...

Second, I also agree with trying used; you can get some really great deals on used speakers right here on Audiogon. Narrow down your choices to a couple of candidates then watch for the best deal on nice used pair.
While I appreciate the specific speaker suggestions that have been posted - they have opened my eyes (ears?) to others I should consider - I am really looking for a methodology to evaluate speakers when they are auditioned at different times in different settings and with different electronics. I agree that the best evaluation is in my own listening room, and that is how I picked my current speakers.

Regarding the comment that there is no common thread in the speakers I listed - there is, but it is not an obvious audiological one. They are speakers I have heard briefly and liked, and have been well spoken of. I do not feel I heard them long enough or with music of my choosing, so I would want to audition them in greater depth before making a buying decision.

I would buy used if I wanted to use the hit or miss buy and sell method, but if I take up the dealers time and resources, I am more inclined to buy from the dealer. Still, if the dealer of the model I decide upon does not give good service, then I would hope to find what I want used.

Finally, my room is 19x17 feet with the speakers on the shorter wall. Currently they are almost 4 feet from the front wall and about 3 feet from the side, positioned by the Iron Chef Speaker Setup Protocol. I'm not sure my wife will tolerate this much longer as they are almost directly in front of the door from the garage and really need to be closer to the wall to satisfy her.