How to shop for speakers?

OK, I've got the upgrade bug. My problem is how to evaluate speaker auditions given the limited local choices and the inevitable differences in amplification, room, etc. I have a local dealer who will let me do home audition, but he does not carry 4 of the 5 brands I am interested in after attending RMAF. He is even getting the mfgr to send a pair for my audition. My problem is how do I judge the various speakers given the variability in listening environments and the time lapses between listening. Buying used for home auditioning and selling what I do not like does not seem practical to me given the price range I am looking at - not much available used in this range and too much potential for significant loss with each transaction. Besides what if I sell one I later decide was the best.

My short list after attending RMAF:

B&W 800d or 802d - not so impressed after dealer demo
Dynaudio Confidence C4 - waiting for dealer to get one for demo
Wilson Sasha or Sophia3 - was blown away by the soundstage of the Sophias at RMAF
I would like to audition Revel Salons or Studios or Sonus Faber Elipsa but local dealers are installers and do not have demo capability

My favorite at RMAF was JM Labs Maestro Utopia but they are out of my price range new.

Amplification is McIntosh MC501 ( this makes me a non-audiophile since I read in another thread that audiophiles do not use Mac equipment - I'm fine with that since I really like the music more than the equipment). But, I would like to hook up a MC275 during the hot summer months to listen at low to moderate levels.o

Not sure if this is a gripe or a request for advice, but I will appreciate any guidance that is offered other than the usual " you listen and decide" I already appreciate that.
Thanks guys.I guess I'll still keep using the 3 db for reference.Sometimes the 4ohm tap does sound better with some 8 ohm nominal rated speakers. That was just a guess.I had a couple of different Conrad Johnson amps,and from what I remember,they wired them all for 4 ohms out of their factory.They told me that they sound the best this way.I see an amp for sale now that has a 6 ohm,and 16 ohm output.Might be a compromise between the two.
Thanks Almarg and Timlub.Some odd things do happen sometimes.In the 80s I believe,a dealer friend tried two pairs of Rogers 15 ohm speakers on a tube amp,and it resulted in a volume drop that was enough to stop him from ordering a second pair for his home.This was on the 8 ohm tape.Being a tech,he was somewhat disappointed.He didn't bother going any further. It seems like we always are learning.I think there are some Magneplanar speakers that are a decent 4 ohm load.It would be nice to have Stereophile,or others do tests on a lot more speakers.That sure would help.To many speakers are rated 8 ohms that have characteristics that should put them in the 4 ohm category in my opinion.It makes it hard for people that starting home theater systems that can only handle 8 ohm loads.
If an 8 ohm speaker is connected to the 4 ohm tap, which is sometimes done to achieve tighter bass or other effects on sound quality, then there would be a 3db volume drop (compared to the 8 ohm speaker being connected to the 8 ohm tap).
Slight correction to this statement in my earlier post. The statement should say:
If an 8 ohm speaker is connected to the 4 ohm tap, which is sometimes done to achieve tighter bass or other effects on sound quality, then there would be a volume drop of up to 3db, the exact value depending on the amplifier's output impedance (compared to the 8 ohm speaker being connected to the 8 ohm tap).
Best regards,
-- Al
Al makes good points; all I want to do here is emphasize something that he mentions about speaker sensitivity:

Sensitivity and efficiency are different measurements! Sensitivity is 2.83 volts at 1 meter, efficiency is 1 watt at 1 meter. Now if you have an 8 ohm speaker, then they are the same. But if you have a 4 ohm speaker, watch what happens: 2.83 volts into 4 ohms is **2** watts. So if you have a 90 db sensitivity speaker that is 4 ohms, its efficiency is 3 db less, 87 db.

Conversely, if you have a 16 ohm speaker that is 90 db sensitivity, its efficiency is 93 db.

Tubes do not double power as you cut the impedance in half, and many transistor amps do. So if you are using tubes, you really have to pay attention to the significance of these figures else they will shoot you in the foot rather quickly!

Its my opinion that the sensitivity figure can be misleading, as it often creates the impression that a speaker is more efficient than it really is. Now whether we like it or not, the amount of power that the amp can make into the load is what we are talking about here- and not all transistor amps double power as the impedance is halved (and certainly no tube amp does...).

My room at home is about 17' x 22'; with 87 db the power levels for any serious dynamics gets a bit crazy- this is why I argue for efficiency if you can get it without compromising resolution and bandwidth, and quite often that is very possible. I make this point as there is a tube amp involved; if you really want to get the performance out of tubes, you owe it to yourself to use them with speakers that work easily with them. Maybe a poor analogy; but this is something like putting decent tires on a sports car that you intend to drive hard...
Hi Atmasphere, I think we are on the same page here. I have built 1 amp and modded a few, but I'm a simple minded speaker guy. I try to speak in the simplest terms possible on these forums, because it took my feeble mind a long time to get where I am, which is mediocre.
Sensitivity is a measurement of power, so 1 watt input measured @ 1 meter gives an spl or sensitivity rating... so yes 2.83 volts does measure 1 watt @ 8ohms and gives you a sensitivity rating for an 8 ohm speaker, but to measure a 4ohm speakers sensitivity, we still put in 1 watt, yes lower voltage, but 1 watt of power to get the output or sensitivity rating.
Where as efficiency ratings are measured strictly in voltage. We have found many variations when measuring a speakers efficiency at different frequencies that do not necessarily coinside directly with its sensitivity rating. Crossover components, cabinet designs and direct driver designs measure slightly different at different frequencies, thus being more efficient at a given frequency, yet overall might measure the same as a different speaker in sensitivity. Again, I believe that we are on the same page and I hope that I am only clarifying your statement. Any way you look at it, sensitivity vs efficiency is similar and can be confusing. Overall, just get enough power and if you are using tubes, try to find your speakers impedence phase angles and you will come out successful. Tim