Cost of Keeping Components on All the Time?

Hi Everyone,

The original poster in the thread below asked whether he should keep his equipment on at all times. The answer was pretty much "it depends."

My question is more about cost: I'm curious if anyone has noticed an increase in their electric bill from keeping things like SS power amps, tube amps, AVRs on all the time. Of course I realize that too would depend on various factors, but I'm just looking for some overall guidance. Are we talking a few bucks a month, or more/less? My components are listed below to give you a sense of the scale I'm talking about. I'd prefer to leave everything on all the time except when I'll be away overnight.

Logitech Squeezebox (for streaming WAVs from my PC)
Cambridge Audio DacMagic
Cary SLP-05 (for stereo pre)
Adcom GFA-555 (for stereo amp)
Arcam AVR-600 (for HT/surround)
Oppo BDP-103 (Blu-ray video and SACD)
Vandersteen 2ceSig IIs (mains; bi-amp/bi-wire capable)
Vandersteen 2W (subwoofer)
Vandersteen VSM-1 (surrounds)
Ten years ago my Forte' 4a class A amplifier added a verified $10 a month to leave on 24/7 vs only on when i was using it.
(i would say the amp was on about 40 hours a week when i would turn it on/off)
So the increase was about $10 a month in electricity back then for use only vs on 24/7.

Now i leave my stereo on 24/7.
I am retired, and listen to music all day every day..
Left on 24/7:
Bryston 4B-SST2 amp, BP-26 preamp 1,5 phono box,
Furman REF20i and PS Audio P600 power conditioners.
Two 5 disc CD changers, Adcom DAC, VAC Standard preamp.

I live in a one bedroom apt all electric utilities.(heat furnished separately)
My electric bill averages $55 Winter, $85 Summer (the $30 added in Summer is totally air conditioning)

So i would 'guess' my cost to leave my system on 24/7 is costing me $30 a month..
With the other $25 for stove, refrigerator, lights, Plasma TV.

I bet i would save only about $10 to $15 a month to turn it all off when not in use at this time.
Leaving it on is worth way more that $15 a month to me.
The first electric bill after I got my Pass Labs X-600 monoblocs (4 monoblocs)that were left on 24-7 nearly gave me a coronary. Now I only turn them on when I play the system. No 30 minute warmup and I turn them off after every listening session. I don't leave any components on 24-7 any longer.
Four Pass Labs X-600s... Wow 24-7 I bet you DID nearly have a coronary.
$250 a month extra is a lot...
My bill was running $230 a month. In mid December I decided to remove a PS Audio p600 and just run my monoblocks off the wall. My bill just dropped to $194 in 2 weeks without the p600. I would not power the p600 on unless I planned to listen , but even just plugged in the p600 still sucked a lot of power.

I leave my front end gear on 24/7.

Where I live has really odd ways to charge for power. PGE in California. If you lack periods of only essential power most of the day, you get penalized. I imagine a full month without the p600 will lower my bill even more significantly next month.
The best thing to do in your case is to get a Kill-A-Watt and measure the consumption of each of your components at various times during playback.

Then you can take your electric bill and figure what the rates you are charged and input it into the Kill-A-Watt. It can give you an idea of what it would cost to run your system 24/7.

you could also do it the hard way and leave your system on 24/7 for a month and compare what you were charged.

I spoke to a guy who had Threshold SA-1 monoblocks and he kept them on 24/7 a long with the rest of his predominantly SS system and it added $25 to his first monthly bill after he got everything set-up.