Single driver point source speakers vs. the world?

Okay, I've been a 'stat guy the majority of my audio life.

Recently I acquired a humble speaker that has me rethinking my entire approach to audio, i.e., big power amp requirements driving mass amounts of current to 'stats.

The speaker I'm referring to is the Cain & Cain Abby. 8 watts of 300b SET amplification into these speakers is as good as I've heard. No, they don't do bass but they excel at everything else. So the ? for those with point source design experience is does the lack of a crossover in designs equate to these types of results in other point source or single driver designs?
I lived with a pair of Brines single drivers (Fostex 167, I think) for a couple of months. They are a fairly large TL design, and I found the lows surprisingly deep. They also imaged very well, and retrieved a lot of detail -- I had a lot of "I never heard that before" moments. In the end though, I felt like there was something a bit off in the upper mids and above -- maybe a loss of coherence? Any of you single driver types have thoughts on that?

Anyway, I enjoyed them, then sold them to a friend for a good price, and he's ecstatic.

Just this past week I received a pair of Tekton Design speakers for a 30 day eval - 8" Fostex ff225 + bullet super tweeter. There is something to be said about this type of speaker, matched to my 2A3 SET. The speakers are spec'd down to 40 HZ (-3db) and in my small room they do sound nice and full. I've owned Magnepan and Martin Logan and still own Klipschorns, so this small fullrange speaker thing is new to me and I like it. Never heard Abbys but aren't the specs on them to 100HZ? If so I'm not sure I'd like that for my main speakers without a sub.
The loudspeakers is designed as a whole cabinet is chosen to get the best out of driver there is no cabinet thats thats good for all.

For any particular point source driver, can anyone comment on cabinets/enclosures?