Single driver point source speakers vs. the world?

Okay, I've been a 'stat guy the majority of my audio life.

Recently I acquired a humble speaker that has me rethinking my entire approach to audio, i.e., big power amp requirements driving mass amounts of current to 'stats.

The speaker I'm referring to is the Cain & Cain Abby. 8 watts of 300b SET amplification into these speakers is as good as I've heard. No, they don't do bass but they excel at everything else. So the ? for those with point source design experience is does the lack of a crossover in designs equate to these types of results in other point source or single driver designs?
No discussion of single driver point source speakers would be complete without considering these:

Walsh Exotic Speakers
Texas - I agree it could be your situation (room, amp), or it could be you just don't like them.
My room is small @ 12' x 13' x 9' and I've had other bigger speakers in there (the KHorns I bought from you as an example). Now, with a 2A3 SET and these smaller SD speakers, and my listening preferences, I feel like I've got the right stuff and it's all meshing.
I also don't want to give the impression that these things can't rock because they can. But rock to me is 90db - 95db or so. Loud but not very loud I guess.
btw: Those KHorns are now in the game room. Kids love 'em when they play XBox.

You did get "it" some of us are just less tolerant to high distortion speakers with that certain "sound".

Hi-fi being hi-fi every individual has a version of what sounds good to them. Subjectively there can be no right or wrong, you like what you like.......

The science ... dats another story..

I'm surprised that no one has mentioned Omega speakers by Louis Chochos. They are some of the finest single driver, no crossover speakers available at any price.


The Omega Speakers have many models, is there one in particular you want to discuss?
