Single driver point source speakers vs. the world?

Okay, I've been a 'stat guy the majority of my audio life.

Recently I acquired a humble speaker that has me rethinking my entire approach to audio, i.e., big power amp requirements driving mass amounts of current to 'stats.

The speaker I'm referring to is the Cain & Cain Abby. 8 watts of 300b SET amplification into these speakers is as good as I've heard. No, they don't do bass but they excel at everything else. So the ? for those with point source design experience is does the lack of a crossover in designs equate to these types of results in other point source or single driver designs?
@Weseixas: Any and all. I like them all, but the Super 5 and Stick are my favorites.
I do agree with you about his lineup, very extensive and covers the genre very well. It does seem surprising Omega was not mentioned before.....

Yes, Louis is one of the best single driver, no crossover designers out there. Excellent speakers!
Any comments on some the dula driver point source designs out there? Like Tannoys for instance. How do these compare to single driver point source and perhaps other higher efficiency designs out there these days?
Love the concept, don't love most of the execution examples, especially when one considers price and value.