Good Processor

I know this has been discussed before and have read most of the posts. However, I haven't seen one that addressed this question. For good stereo what is a better option? Going with an older high end pro like a meridian 861 version 2.8/4 or Halcro 100 OR buying a newer unit such as the Integra 80.2/3. If I purchased the Integra it would be easy to setup with little in cables given the HD audio formats. With the older units I would be processing HT in my Oppo and using the 5.1 output into the processor.
1. The answer to your question about XT32/Pro is no. AFAIK,
the two sub outputs have the same signal and are not stereo.
This is the most common arrangement in prepros and has nothing
to do with Audyssey or AudysseyPro.

2. "I take it you never heard the 8801?" (Already
asked of you.) I was always luke warm about Marantz prepros
until now.
I think in tools. An amp, source, cable etc is for me a tool. I label all tools. This means I test them all and hear what there talents/properties are. Marantz in generall has there own properties which you hear in there products. Depth is a key factor in highend sound. That is why I always look for options for lower prices to get this feature for my clients. Marantz has not the quality to give a deep stage. That is why for me it is a 2-dimensional brand. It is that easy!!