Best rock/jazz speaker under $10k used

What speaker under $10k used can rock hard but also bring out the best in jazz voice? I love the sound of planars for voice, but I sometimes I really want to shake the walls and bring out the best in a power chord. Opinions?
After all the suggestions & recommendations are all in. The next thing to do would be to listen to most of them with your favourite cd's and head to the authorized dealer.
Nothing beats an actual in store demo.
good luck.. lots of great choices out there.
I would also like to add, its probably best to get a speaker that is a good all-arounder rather than a specific speaker for rock / jazz.
Our personal taste in music could evolve over a period of time.
All the best!
Yes, thanks for all of the suggestions. As I said above, I learned of some speakers I'd never have otherwise found.
The silverline Sonata IIIs are tuff to surpass in this range. they work well with both SS and tubes of moderate power output. Are easy to set up. don't impose or take over a room, and are well undere the $10K boundary.

trust me on this, I've been considering an upgrade there for myself... but feel under $10K I'm just going to gain 'different' far more than better.
Let's face, it, for $10K used, you have a lot of excellent choices for rock/jazz. Optimizing with your amp and your personal preferences for sound and style should be the determining factors.

I say the OHMs mainly because their unique design allows them to transcend what most speakers are capable of doing at their price points, which are based on room size, not relative sound quality. If you take to them, you will probably never look back at more conventional designs again. If your room is not too big in particular, you can get optimal results for a very modest price and spend teh rest elsewhere if you like. So the potential up side is considerable.....