DSpeaker Anti Mode Dual Core 2.0 Room Correction

Has anyone tried this new unit in their system either 2 channel or home theater??? I was reading some reviews and this thing could be a winner. A couple guys in my audio club have tried it and claim it is absolutely the cat's meow!!! One stated it is the best piece of gear he has ever purchased in 55 years of audio buying!!!
Rodge. Why do you need a USB power conditioner when the device is using an external power supply and not USB bus powered?
It's more about the power on the cable coming from the computer. When the signal enters into the IUSB it is separated from the power on the line, regenerated and then sent to the decoding devise. In this case it is the Dual core. Many users are very pleased with what it does, the sound is fuller and much better detailed. I don't currently own one, but I have had the privileged or hearing the difference of what one can do at a friends house. I'm on the list for the next shipment.





Thanks Rodge. I may try that out. My conversations with Toni (engineer at DSpeaker) tell me that the USB cable should make absolutely no difference. Toni was emphatic about that as part of the asynchronous design. But of course, there are plenty of claims to the opposite in the world of asynchronous USB DACs.
Yeah, I had the same response from Tim Ryan about using my battery power supply. He was "perplexed" that the battery ps could sound better than the supplied wallwort. He said something about the wallwort's design being different than other wallwort power supplies....But in the end a few friends confirmed what I had heard, and the point was then moot.