Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?

Hello Holly,you have not heard anything yet, I have a vast amount of
Experience with all Mundorf caps these caps with take at least 300 hours
Just to settle in ,they will go through. Few changes from dull, to bright then
Start to refine. The Mundorf Silver,Gold oil are better still but wy to expensive.th bass in the silver is not as solid as the lesser supreme but far better Through the rest of the frequency spectrum. I have used all Mundorf products for years. One thing to mention why not use the excellent Mundorf
Supreme resistors ? They are a little clearer sounding then the Mills resistors ,what are they using in the -SE version in the lore?
And second only to the worlds best for cpacitors as well as resistors
The Duelunds from Denmark.
Hi Audioman,
I have the Mundorf Caps SIO in my Pendragons along with the Mundorf Supreme Resistors and I did find the break in process to be very long and not so pleasant at times as has another friend of mine with the same set up. And yes the improvement over the stock Caps and Resisitors was quite dramatic. However, now they are really singing. I am equally impressed with these speakers with a 2 watt Decware Zen and an 18 Watt AN 211. Hopefully I won't regret my decision to sell these in the hope of "upgrading"..........:)
Having read this thread carefully, of course I'm only able to 'imagine' the sound of the Lore-S. I'm attracted by everything I'm reading about them. My present speakers are British LS3/5a monitors on stands. I like classical orchestra and 50's jazz and I value nuance, refinement and good scale. Has anyone heard both speakers and can advise me as to how they compare? My room is 14 X 16, long wall placement
I heard Zu for first time recently at Capital Audiofest.

I heard the Essence speakers. I thought these to be promising but appeared to be run off an underpowered amp at the show which limited what they could do. The demo seemed more about how few watts could be used rather than optimizing what the Zu's could do, even in a relatively small hotel room used for the demo. Will have to hear again with a better setup.