JMR Offrande Supreme V2 vs GMA Calypso

Hi all, I have a pair of JMR Trentes which have stood me well over the years, and am considering an upgrade. The Calypsos are intriguing but Bob Neill's review of the Offrandes hits me in my sweet spot. Any comments from those who have heard either (or both!) would be welcome.
JMR's are awesome they just have no real support or marketing money in the US. Bob does a great job but needs JMR to stop going to concerts and start supporting an ad budget. Extremely musical speaker that is still very clean and transparent. Never bright to the point where you want to turn it down, great body.

Never heard the GMA but I want to.
I really enjoyed the JMR Offrandes at RMAF 2010. They offered a musical oasis.

I suppose my priorities have changed over the years, and I now appreciate what the Offrandes bring to the party versus what 95% of the rest of the manufacturers are offering.
I own the Supremes, not V2. This is my 3rd set of Offrandes and I am done looking for and searching for what I loved in the first set. They just make music. Wonderful, glorious, beautiful music. I am also using an ayon spirit II integrated and currently a deHavilland Mercury pre amp. I have not heard the GMA's.
I have JMR offerande supereme from my friend. It is a woderful speaker. Now I use accuphase E-560 (Class A) and Rega ISIS as a source for this speaker. My feeling is good bass (under limited listening area) and transparent (with tanny st-50).
My Offrande Supreme V2's arrived a little over three weeks ago. After breaking them in and optimizing their setup in my room, I am very pleased with my purchase. I find their most outstanding characteristics to be the way they reproduce the true timbre of instruments and the rhythm and pace of the music. They are, in a nutshell, incredibly "musical" and are great for all genres of music.

I must say that I don't hear the cabinet vibration coloration referred to in cmjones' post, nor do I feel any significant vibration when I put my hand on the side of the speaker.

I have to thank Leatherneck1812 for turning me on to these speakers as I had never heard of them before he replied to an email I sent him. I first listened to the Offrandes at RMAF 2010 and was most impressed by their sound.

Far too many of the speakers I heard at RMAF, in their obsessive quest for resolution, sounded unnatural and induced listening fatigue very quickly.