Studio by Donald North Audio

I am in wonder regarding Donald North Audio's Studio speakers.
I have never seen anyone mentioning them? How come?

I remember liking the Sequence when it came.
Very interesting speaker from the companies description but only available factory direct. That’s probably why no comments from anyone. A lot of $$$ to spend for a speaker without hearing it first.

I’m interested in them and would be willing to take a trip to the company for a listen.
physically they resemble some of the big Polks from yesteryear ... techinically a totally different animal ... not sure any of the audio rags will review them due to limited distribution
Not really understanding the 3 way active crossovers function with these speakers?
I understand the bass and midrange drivers have no passive capacitor components and an active crossover is necessary but the tweeter has a cap in line. Why would you need an active crossover for the highs??
Or really the other way around, why would you need a cap in line with the tweeter when there is a fairly sophisticated 3 way active crossover??

Just an observation and probably a misunderstanding on my behalf.