Thiel CS 2 2 vs Snell C IV

I have the great opportunity to buy just one pair at about the same price for my 2nd listening room. Which one would be more recommended?
The parameters:
1. room size: 24' x 18' listening room with vaulted ceiling
2. music genres: orchestral classic, jazz and some soft rock
3. gear: Conrad Johnson tube amps (PV12 + MV50), alternatively PV10 + Adcom GFA-555

The option of auditioning both in that room is not possible since one pair is not listed locally.

Thanks for your comments/suggestions.

P.S. As an owner of both the Snell A and Model B Minor (main listening room) I like their neutral sound and precision. Having had the Thiel CS3.5, I like the more modern combination of sound + looks.
I have owned and enjoyed many Snell speakers. According to the Snell website and Stereophile, the Snell V was also a Kevin Voecks design.
The Snell CV speaker was released in late 1993 while the Snell C-IV was still being manufactured til 1994. Kevin Voecks was pretty much on his way out of Snell in that time as cheif engineer. Even though the Snell C-V was under Kevin's reign, the speaker was being influenced by trend of home theater; aka Boston Acoustics design(more drivers and cheaper parts design).

The Snell C-IV is a better sounding purist speaker in two channel. And sticks with Peter Snell's original philosophy of building the best dollar for dollar dynamic bass reflective type coffin style speaker. I say no more , go enjoy whatever you want to believe in.
I currently own Snell B-Minors, C-V's, & D's. I have owned Type A's and Thiel 2 2, 3.5, & 3.6. I had the B-Minors as my main speakers for many years. I had gone from 2 2's to 3.5's to the B-Minors before I got the 3.6's.

I drove the speakers variously with Mark Levinson 27 and 333 and VTL 225 & Deluxe 500. The Thiels were definitely better with tubes. The Snell were good with either tubes or solid state.

I love the Thiels. They are the closest speaker I have found to capture the 3-dimensional sound of electrostats with better dynamics.

I had the B-Minors and the 3.6's at the same time. While I got a thrill with the sound of the Thiels, ultimately the Snells were overall a more enjoyable speaker. BUT, Thiels might be a great choice for the music you listen to. I found them to cause listening fatigue with electric music or anything at louder volume. Also, your room is large. I think the B-Minors would fill the room better than the smaller Thiels. I ultimately sold the Thiels.

The B-Minors are a more forgiving speaker and will play anything extremely well. I currently use them as front speakers in a surround sound set-up and, though I have MAXX-2's for my 2-channel. I can't imagine giving the B's up. They are a classic.

Sorry you can't audition. They are completely different speakers and I don't think anyone could make up your mind. I had a hard time deciding between the B-Minor's and the 3.6's, a much better speaker than the 2 2's, and I chose the B's.

If you're thinking long term, you might want to find both, buy and test them both, and sell one pair. You shouldn't lose money on either. Also, for a few dollars more you could get the 3.6's, a much better Thiel.

Hope I haven't confused you too much.