Problem with older REL subs & class D amps

I'm posting this as a "heads-up" - per tech support at REL - that certain REL sub-woofers of the past do not accommodate tapping into the high level output of class D amps using the cables originally provided.

Options are (a) to use the low level (preamp) output into REL sub low level input, or, (b)obtain a special cable that they call "high level digital out" from a REL dealership.

Subwoofers designed prior to the rise in popularity of class D amps are apparently the ones that fall victim to this. Best to obtain details from a REL dealer or tech support at Sumiko. (It sounds like the folks at Sumiko hope that your dealer can help you with this... understandable, as this is the purpose of a dealer...).

Hey, I'm scared! Does this issue also apply to Wyred 4 Sound amplifiers??

I have had my W4S ST-1000 connected to the High-level input on my REL Storm III for about 2 months now with no apparent issues so far.

Or have I just been lucky and my system is on danger?

Any thoughts?

I was told by the REL/Sumiko rep to just not use the black ground cable on my REL Gibraltor and my Roland 302 amp. When I hooked the black ground up properly to the negative speaker terminal, I got a terrible LOUD hum from the transformer in the Rowland amp, which I quickly turned off. Again after being told to not use the ground at all, everything works great. I get no audible hum from the amp or the sub. However, when I power the sub on and off, it does make a popping noise. Hope I'm not hurting anything and just doing what I was told.
Ditto what you said. I've got Stentor Sub that I use for an end table because I couldn't get anywhere with Sumiko.
Second what Norton said. I had Stentors and Sumiko would not help.....last time I ever used or recommended any REL product. To me dealer support is as important as the product itself!