Are audiophile speakers turn on for single women?

I recently purchased a pair of speakers that I showed to a non-audiophile female friend of mine. She said they looked beautiful and asked how much they cost. When I told her, her jaw dropped. She then asked if I was using them to pick up hot chicks. Hmm...I told her the only people who get turned on by my audiophile speakers are balding middle-aged men. She had a laugh, but I wondered if anyone tried to impress a girl with his stereo system. High end is a male dominated hobby like sports cars. So have you found a woman who was turned on by your system. I have had no such look. I just get blank stares when I talk about my hobby to women.
Elizabeth again pegs it, right on! Aside from my "crass man jokes", on the flip-side, when a man may compliment a women on her fine apparel, she will reply..."oh, this old thing"?..... in reality, she was running around town shopping all day to impress you! Love her! As Yogi Berra said, "men and women are the same, just different"
Ok now if I can only afford a car and move out of my mother's apartment, I think the babes are going to flock to me. But really, I think women look at my speakers the way they look at an appliance or furniture...they better match the rest of the decor or they're outa there. Yea I would have to agree women actually listen to the music and not the equipment. May be size doesn't's the motion of the ocean.
Make sure you save enuff for upgrades before leaving the nest. Nevermind the college and crap.
This is really a sad thread. If you think your stereo will really turn on women, you are hallucinating. Take the girl on a nice tropical vacation and buy her a big diamond. Get a life.