Focal Scala Utopia Owners - I Need Your Help


I currently have the Focal Diablo. I am moving to a new place and the listening room (also living room) is 13'W x 20'L x 9'H. One of the side walls has an opening that is 5 feet wide leading to the dinning room.

I am thinking about getting a pair of Scala. Would the room be too small for the Scala? Would they look too imposing (I have not seen the speakers so don't know how big they look in real life) and would the sound overwhelm the room?

Another concern I have is that my in-laws live downstairs. Would the sound especially the bass travels downstairs? I mostly listen at low and moderate volumes and I am thinking about adding another ceiling within the ceiling downstairs and also use green glue.

Finally, I am thinking about driving the speakers using Pass Labs XA60.5 or the XA100.5. Do any of you currently use the amps to drive the Scala? Please share your thoughts.

Thanks very much in advance!

Besides getting more bass is there anything else your current speakers are lacking, in your opinion?
based on the past experience:
1) if you go with JL Audio Sub, you must buy an active crossover( Bryston makes) it will be costly as buying sub, plus, another set of cables, a descent sub cable.......
2)Pass XA series overall a good contender but if you talk about bass which is kingdom of Krell since it keeps pumping the bass even load is less than 1 ohm. With Pass amp you are limited between 4-8 ohms.
3)Seriously, Scala did better and observable compared to Wilson Sophia as far as bass concerned. Didn't do the faults of Sophia since all variables of the setup remained constant.

In other words, a loudspeaker which is comparable or even better than Wilson Sophia is likely to be very good speaker indeed. Ofcourse you may compare wilson sasha to Scala or maestro Utopia but mind you there are not many manufacturers in this particular price range...
If you can, get a listen to Venture speakers, e.g. the CR-8 for $28,000. You will never, ever need a sub. I had the Alto Be for 6 years, and was going to get the Scala and/or Maestro, but fell in love with the Venture speakers.