Best CD player now made.

I am interested in getting the best CD player out there as one of my digital sources. I have a few candidates but I wanted some other opinions. Any suggestions on the Sony's top player or Mark Levinson, or even the BAT tubed affair. I realise the Transport and the DAC might be superior but I wanted to stay below 5 digits. Thanks,
Try and listen YBA CD integre model.This player has absolutely neutral frequent - amplitude characteristic. Only please use worthy amplifier and quality power cord! I am sure, if you love a living sound you estimate this model
I have heard and seen many players,but i belive sony cd players rule for the money.I can always listen to my c77es and be pleased.They are worthy of their praise.
I'd put my Resolution Audio CD-50 up against any of them, even the Sony SCD-1!!!
If you are going to go by what others suggest, just look at how many Wadia 850s and 860s grace the systems at CES 2000. Those guys sytems have to sound their best, their livelyhood depends on it. If you don't have to have a preamp go for the Wadia 860. I was in the same situation as you wondering which way to go and I talked to some Wadia owners and they said that the #39 wasn't nearly as good as the Wadia. Read the May 98 issue of Stereophile for the review of the 850. In that review they dirrectly compare the BAT player to the 850 and the 39 to the 850. I think the descriptions say a lot about the sound of each player. Good luck