best CD player or DAC under $1000

What is the best CD player or DAC for under $1000.00? How musical can a player or Dac be fot that money?
Hmmm... I wonder which model the oringinal poster ended up getting. Here's my slightly modified question:

What's the best CDP under $1000, new, not used, not modded? I don't care for SACD/DVD-A playback. Does anything from Arcam or Linn fit this description? Willing to go up to 1500 if the quality justifies the incremental cost increase. Would love it if it can play classicals well, i.e. less glare but at the same time retaining detail and bass. Is this too much to ask for a new sub $1500 player?

Lavry DA10 here.

I second that. Everybody will have their own opinions but I compared it directly against the Benchmark DAC1 in a mastering studio and it was very apparent which one I would buy. The Lavry was more liquid with smoother mids and highs. I also found the sound to have an wider, more open soundstage and more of a warmer, sweeter sound. I looked for some used ones and they only came up after I bought mine new. That being said, used they are a bit cheaper as I believe there is some hype for the DAC1 so if a DA10 comes up used I would recommend one to grab it.