best CD player or DAC under $1000

What is the best CD player or DAC for under $1000.00? How musical can a player or Dac be fot that money?
Lavry DA10 here.

I second that. Everybody will have their own opinions but I compared it directly against the Benchmark DAC1 in a mastering studio and it was very apparent which one I would buy. The Lavry was more liquid with smoother mids and highs. I also found the sound to have an wider, more open soundstage and more of a warmer, sweeter sound. I looked for some used ones and they only came up after I bought mine new. That being said, used they are a bit cheaper as I believe there is some hype for the DAC1 so if a DA10 comes up used I would recommend one to grab it.
Without question the Lavry DA-10 eats the benchmark for lunch for pure musicality_not etched detail the Lavry is just much more Natural and convincing of live music.I use a oppo digital dvd player and Acoustic Zens best digital cable and Tsnami power cord ,which kicks button any 3k+
I recently bought the new Xindak dac-8 and it is loaded with top quality parts from Rubicon,WIma Burr brown analog devices with a vacuum tube output buffer stage with remote volume for under $1,000 .In many ways it is much more natural than the benchmark or lavry
My latest choice would be the Jas Musik tube CD player. The unit uses a single 12AX7 and is one of the best sounding CD players I've heard in this price range.
Yeap, Bob You are on to something since I also share your very positive opinion about Jas Musik cdp. It is indeed nice, sweat sounding and reasonably musical cdp. It is also a pretty good value for what it is - one of those cdp you must audition before you buy anything in that price range.