Resolution Audio CD55

Has anyone heard the new CD55 player yet?? I'm trying to audition the Muse Model 9S and the Resolution CD55. It's hard to find a Dealer that carries them both.
Hi Kevin; First of all, I have a lot of respect for you and your company's products, and you recently provided me valuable info. on the difference between digital up & over sampling (you've probably read my thread). As you are concerned about negative posts about The Audio Gallery in Lake Oswego (Portland. OR.), and I made one of them, I'll explain: Several years ago when I was in the market for a good DAC, I called the Audio Gallery and talked to both Gary and Cindy-- on the surface both are very nice people. But I live 5-6 hours from Portland, and have little use for in-store demo's anyway, so I asked Gary if he would send me a Muse Model Two for an in-home audition for a week or so. He was absolutely adament, (and even irritated that I had the "audacity" to make such a request) that I listen to the DAC IN HIS LISTENING ROOM (STORE), WITH HIS SYSTEM. Our 'phone call ended on "less than friendly terms". Well, in my opinion, listening to a component under any conditions other than in your own system, and in your own room is meaningless and a big waste of time (except maybe for speakers). So, I called Muse again (I think) and got the 'phone number of ACI in Wisconsin. They were helpful, courteous, and more than willing to send me a Model Two for a TWO WEEK in home audition. I purchased the Model Two after a few days and never regretted it. They were happy and I was happy. As to Gary, his arrogant, superior sounding attitude really left me cold, and I've never had any desire to actually meet the guy. Regards. Craig.
Just bought a CD55 off Audiogon, decent player, nothing really special, I expect a cd player selling for $3000 to sound great, personally I'm selling this so-so for an Accuphase, now thats digital at its best.
And paying 3 times the price, to boot. My CD50 is NOT a "so so" player, and I dare you to bring this Accuphase by my system anytime for a real shootout. Perhaps the 55 is not as good as the 50...I won't allow cigar smoking in my home, though, but I'm sure you'll forget all about stink weed once you hear the system.
Mr. Muse. I add my two cents on Gary at Audio Gallery in Lake Oswego. After a bad experience with Gary and his stuck up, A-Train, "I'm better than you" pencil-boy attitude, I decided to stop buying new equipment from retail dealers. I'll Burn in Hell or Listen to Lawrence Welk on the black and white before before spending my hard earned big boy dollas on some low-down rat-faced rat-brained second-city, uppity, contemptible little wiener dog of a man like that I even avoid brands that his store sells because I don't want him as a repair service liason. I never mentioned it because it's his business, and everyone is entitled to a bad day. But over time, I have heard unsolicited, serious complaints from two other people in the Portland Oregon audio community. And now I see he messed with Garfish! I'm really mad! Gary should leave the audio business and take a job where people aren't victimized by the presence of his personality. * By the way, I'm just kidding about LW - He's a good guy.