Wadia 270/27ix vs. Sonic Frontiers T3/P3

Seasons Greetings. I got a great deal on a 27ix yesterday and purchased it even though I currently have a SF T3/P3 combo with IS2e. I was interested in the Wadia because I have a digital only system and will be able to get rid of my preamp (BAT VK-5i). It is also already 96k enabled. Has anyone compared these two set-ups?
Marklivia, I have BW N802's and as mentioned above Krell KAV 250a. I suspect the Krell's might be causing the brightness, but for the moment I will have to live with what I have. Or it could be my transport, CAL CL-10.
Sunny it's ALL OF THE ABOVE! I am sorry, but who had put your sistem together? Cal is great but not with the Krell, and Krell is great but not with the B&W. Get rid of Krell or Cal. And keep the speakers. Good Luck!
Gee thanks Lindeman. I must have forgotten to read the audiophile rules which explicitly state that CAL and Krell do not mix -- like oil and water :) Damn, thanks for pointing it out :)
I concurr with many here. I FAR prefer the Wadia to the Sonic Frontiers stuff. However, I think that the digital volume control is a bunch of hooey...it simply sounds better through a pre-amp, unless your listening volume range is ALWAYS above the 90 mark on the CD. This just doesn't work as the levels are so different CD to CD and my desire for volume changes mood to mood, type of music to type of music etc. That said...no complaints on the Wadia at all - worth the cash without the direct to amp feature. And...if the scheduled upgrade for the combo is as good as the 860-861 upgrade, it should be really great.
Stick to the Sonic Frontiers gear.Don't get fooled by the
24/96/192,etc,etc wagon.It's other things that matter most
and the T3/P3 combo delivers...