Conrad Johnson Synthesis Speakers

Hey! My Pops is letting me inherit his old CJ Synthesis towers, sort of a family heirloom if you will.

Here they are:

Does anyone know what model number these are? (LM200 I think?) and what I should use wattage wise to juice-them? or any other information that might be good to know?

Thanks for any info!
I sold cj and their Synthesis speakers many years ago in my Audio Store.
They were very easy to drive, very pleasantly voiced.
As I recall, (it's been 25 years ago) they were about 89db1w1m.
Not a tough impedence either. I drove them with everything from small Harman Kardon receivers, to cj amps, all with great success.
If you don't get the info you need, just call cj...they're among the best folks in the industry.

Good listening,
Hi! Those are great speakers if they're intact. I owned a pair I had bought on ebay but sold them since I had several pairs and needed to raise some cash. Now I wish I hadn't. They are very hard to find, like all Synthesis speakers. The dynamics are very impressive and they make surprisingly good rock speakers. With c-j or similar tube electronics they have a very warm and natural timbre to go with their dynamics. The designer, David Fokos, presumably used the current c-j tubes to voice them, and the sound changes VERY noticeably with those tubes in the circuit. I used to use them with an MV-50 which is itself very sweet sounding. The only thing I would criticize is the bass, which is deep but a bit loose when compared to the larger Synthesis models. I prefer the overdamped bass on the LM 260, which also has a more precise soundfield, though the 210 has more imaging depth. Anyway, if you don't think the bass is tight enough you can always get a subwoofer. Take good care of them because I doubt you can get replacement drivers if you blow one, and as I said they are rather rare. Enjoy!