Conrad Johnson Synthesis Speakers

Hey! My Pops is letting me inherit his old CJ Synthesis towers, sort of a family heirloom if you will.

Here they are:

Does anyone know what model number these are? (LM200 I think?) and what I should use wattage wise to juice-them? or any other information that might be good to know?

Thanks for any info!
I believe the model number is LM-120 (someone please correct me if I'm wrong). The cabinets are made of solid oak, no MDF in these babies. I bought mine in 1988 and owned them for 20 years. I powered them with an SAE A-502, which I bought near the same time and still own today. Your speakers are rated at 100 watts. They're neutral, revealing, and the 8" fullrange drivers delivers decent lows. But it's the imaging that truly astounded me. Set up right in the proper room, these are among the best imaging speakers I've heard. Being an SAE guy, I might recommend picking up an A-202 ($100-200 ebay), conservatively rated at 100 w/c. That's enough power to mow the yard and still hear your music. Your speakers are rare and extraordinarily good, yet virtually no information about them anywhere on the web. You're gonna love 'em and your Pop is gonna wish he never got rid of 'em. So invite him for a listen. I would suggest The Church's - Happy Hunting Ground as a good one to taunt your dad. Hope you enjoy them as much as I did.
Just came across a pair of CJ Synthesis L-250 speakers in the original boxes sealed SINCE 1989! Any idea what I should ask for these if I run a "for sale" ad in a stereophile publication? Any tips are welcome.
I have no idea what a fair price would be, but I would like to know when and where you list them.
