Help with narrowing down speaker choice

I've been struggling with final choice for a speaker. First, I have a small to medium sized room (16 X 13 X 9). I want an intimate speaker and I own tube amplification. I listen to and like Jazz, Folk, and Rock in that order.

The speakers not need to be true full-range but they need to be close. I currently own the Thiel CS 3.6 speakers and they're very close to full range. I really like my Thiels, but I'm looking for the next level. I wish to better the Thiels in resolution and natural sound, or that real instrument sound. I especially would like to see an improvement in pinpoint imaging. The Thiels are good at this but not great. BTW - My tube amplification excels at bass, and the Thiels dish it out. I have no room for subwoofers, nor do I want sacfrifice a lot of bass being already spoiled.

Speaker placement enters into the equation, as the speakers must be away from the side walls, so no corners. I can move the speakers up to three feet from the rear wall.

The main speaker on my current list is the Horning Aristoteles, but I've only heard the Eufrodites. The Aristoteles are also in my price point of under $10,000. I will also be using a triode amp, so an efficiency of above 90 dB is needed, especially if I later wind up with a low watt amp. So, figure from 7 to 28 watts/ch triode.

Here are three speakers that are my current contenders, but I don't know if I'll get to hear them all. As you can probably tell, they all share a similar footprint:

Horning Aristoteles
Coinicident Super Victory II
Reference 3A Grand Veena
One of the things that I would like to avoid are speaker recommendations that are above 35 Hz. There are some incredible sounding mini and small monitors out there, I know, but I want those benefits plus deep, detailed, controlled, and natural bass in one package.
Hello Kenny,
I think you`re moving in the right direction for seeking a more natural sound in your system. Coincident is a great company with speakers that are made to order for SET amps. The Horning is certainly a very good option, I`d also strongly consider Tonian Lab(I`d love to hear their classic 12.1 with the 12 inch PHY-HP driver). It seems more music lovers are becoming aware of low power amps with high efficiency/easy load speakers. IMHO these amps with simple circuits, fewer parts(but high built quality) sound closer to real instruments/vocals.
Best of luck.
Thanks Charles1dad

I'll look into the Tonians.

Regarding amps, simpler is better when it's smarter. Simple is hard to do right.
Agreed, but when properly done simpler results in wonderfully pure and organic sound. Thats why with SET amps in paticular you can`t cut corners. You must utilize very good transformers and very high quality parts or it`s all a wasted effort, as the short cuts will be exposed. It`s hard to fool attentive ears.
Kenny, I just moved from Thiel 3.6 after 12 years as my primary speaker to Eggleston Works Andra II. A significant improvement in every area, with huge tuneful bass and a midrange to lust over, which Thiels, as good as they are can't quite deliver.

You mention placement - these have a very reasonable footprint for their size, they weigh 215 lbs. According to EW they are designed to be placed closer to the rear wall. I have mine about 40" out, my Thiels on the other hand were out closer to 60" to really open up.

Just another option to consider - you have some awesome speakers on your list and solid suggestions as well. Good luck in your decision.