room tuning 12ftx12ft room

hello, my first post. i have a very small room, 12ftx 12ft. i have the speakers where i think they sound pretty good except for some boomieness in some bass areas and even cut-out of bass or maybe room overload when i start to turn it up a bit. but anyway, i have 4 2"x4ftx2ft framed insulation panels behind the speakers, 1 on each side of the speakers (using the mirror trick) and 2 directly behind me, with maybe a 2" gap between them.

i've thought of covering the wall behind the speakers completely floor to ceiling and coming out on the side walls 4ft floor to ceiling. then just leaving the two panels directly behind me. does that seem like a good idea?

Try the 45 degree or angle speaker placement.

Go to the DecWare site, and look at the section on room tuning.

You can tame a bad room with this technique,and use a minimal amount or no dampening at all.

Your speakers are not too big for the room.

I know most people aren't familiar with this type of speaker placement and it appears odd as most like the conventional type speaker placement .

But what are you after, style or sound?

This is audio, not home decor.
I should add, my room isn't much bigger,11.6 x 22 x8,and I use Ref 3a Grand Veena full range speakers.

A friend of mine using Spendor 1/2 speakers has also made an improvemnt in his sound when he set his room up like this, and he has an even larger room.

I doesn't cost anything to re-arrange your speakers.
i guess my other thread intersects a little too closely with this one but they are different. anyway, i've got them fairly better now. they aren't tilted back as much and instead of pulling them out from the wall, i moved myself more into an equilateral triangle listening position now. so i'm closer, the spks are about 7'8" apart. things seem to be focused pretty well. bass is now the major problem and one little annoyance (put that in the other thread). so, the bass isn't bad it's just anemic now although there's two other songs i want to listen to yet. i might have a source on some bass traps but overall i'm a lot more satisfied now than i was a couple weeks ago even without changing much but placement and seating position. i'll check out the corner setup and the links. thanks -steve
PS - i'm more likely to get a new place to live than to change speakers. there's no other room i have that i can use right now so i'm stuck. another thing, by overload, i've had experience in the past where you're just trying to move too much air in a small room and it just doesn't work. but i think that a large driver(s) not moving as far will move less air so at lower volumes you can get away with a small room to a certain vol level. which is pretty much where i am.
So Lacee, how are those Grand Veenas? Have the stood the test of time? Thanks.