Favorite DAC?

As I am pondering venturing into the DAC arena, there are a few that come to mind. My question is what is your personal favorite and why? Also, do you prefer the Solid State versions or the Tubed versions? Certain ones that I am considering would be the Electrocompaniet, AudioMeca, Levinson, Musical Fidelity in the solid state. In the tubed version would be like a Kora or an Audio Logic.

Thanks for all opinions.

Good listening,

I have found that the setup of all equipment, especially the ones responsible for conversion/amplification, to have significant impact on the sound. By this I mean that with good powercords with clean power, isolation devices, and interconnects, an otherwise mid-priced DAC can be made to sound superior to ultra expensive DACs.

Anyway, in answer to your query, the 2 brands of DACs which I prefer are the Meridian and Theta. Preferred powercord : JPS Digital AC. Preferred isolation : DH Jumbo cones on special composite material. Preferred power source : PS Audio P300.