McIntosh MCD-205 Changer?

Has anyone heard this? It is interesting because the transport is not a carrousel, it is the Music Bank elevator mechanism by Nakamichi. Tellig said that you no longer have to sacrafice convenience for sound quality.

I am also considering using my Adcom carrousel as the transport and buying a high-end DAC. The problem with this solution is that the transport contributes a lot to the sound quality...
The MCD205 is a very cool CD player. The CDs all feed into one slot and it sorts them internally. Pretty cool to see. The "spool-up" time is a little long (about like the Sony C555ES actually) but the sound is worth it - warm, full, articulate, and sweet. It is of typical family origins: a little dark, a little laid-back, but intensely musical. It is just my type of sound so I like it very much. I wish I could afford it now but I can't quite yet. One day I will get one. Good luck! Arthur
the mcd 205 is the best thing to happen to digital front ends in a long time...very warm and natural sounding, extremely well built(second to none) and a changer to also handles disce better than anything i've owned. this thing is outstanding on all types of music, as well as poorly mastered cd' typical mac fashion it is a well kept secret.
Guys - this is great advice!

I am unfamiliar with Mac products, only very recently having convereted to tubes :-) I like this idea of something dark, musical and warm sounding that doesn't make old recordings sound like trash!