Any Good CD Recorder/Players?

I'm looking for a quality CD recorder that can also perform well as a CD player. I intend to use the recorder mostly for recording LP's and mixes.
I'm not looking for Class A (I'm not sure one even exists) rather a good deck which would fit with my Roksan Caspian Integrated, Music Hall MMF-5 and Epos M-12's. Anything?
I have just bought a Marantz CDR630, and have had good results using it as a recorder. It seems to be as correct at what it does sound-wise as you could expect on CD. CD's that I have recorded from original CD's come out sounding 99% the same. However, it is not a very good player. To explain that, it is run back directly to the tape loop of my preamp, whereas my CD player goes through an interface processor and D/AC first, so it may not be a fair comparison. These are one generation removed recorders and show up occasionally on AudiogoN at around $300.00. They were manufactured by SuperScope for professional studio use and sold with the Marantz name. There is a little information about it at the SuperScope website. Hope this helps.
Thanks, Jependleton. I heard Marantz has produced some pretty decent ones, I've never been able to catch the model numbers, though. Appreciate your thoughts.
There is also a newer model, CDR631, which is essentially the same. I have not seen one of these for sale used, but you may want to keep an eye out for it also. The website that I mentioned is I should also mention that these machines record one-to-one, and an appropriate disc will need to be used. I have been using the Maxell CD-R Music 80, which is the one with the gold colored insert and gold labeled disc. The record/play surface has a bluish coating. This disc will play in any player that I have tried.
HI - Do yourself a favor and don't overlook the Tascam line of audio CD recorders. The CDRW4U is a 20 bit recorder that really surprised me as to how good it sounded as a player. You can usually pick one up for $300-400. The next step up is the CDRW700, which is a 24 bit unit with Optical & Coax inputs & outputs. The top-of-the-line is the CDRW2000 - which is a 24 bit recorder and adds an AES/EBU interface. They are superb recorders, and are bargains compared to most of the "name" models. E-mail me if you have any questions, I've used all 3 models & can help with features/questions/etc. Good Luck, Ed