Evolution Acoustics MMMicroOne

Hey guys,

Has anyone heard the new Evolution Acoustics MMMicroOne? Just saw this pic from CES 2011.


Any thoughts on this one?
Does anyone know Shanghai Li Min Audio (EA asia dealer) is a reliable or not?

I sent them several e-mails but haven't got any replies over a month.

One of my major fault was sent payment too early, as he required payment without detailed shipping information.

I didn't have cautiousness as Mr Jonathan Tinn recommend him as
a official dealer.

Best Regards,
Finally I have received MMMicroOne.

After sending e-mails over and over with patience, eventually
they replied and said they had sent the speakers.

Delibery was done by DHL worldwide, as I requested in recent e-mails.
I've heard the MicroOne at RMAF last year. It was nice and all that but really that's it. Inside the room, I was like "duh?" in the midst of all the praises bestowed on the speaker. After that I found other rooms actually sounded better. These included the Vivid K1, YG Anat, PMC, Sonus Faber Venere, Joseph Audio Pulsar. Definitely not on equal standing with the Mini II, V2 and V3 and of course the Q3.
Shsohis: Point taken. There is no arguing in matters of taste. I also have heard most of the speakers you noted and disagree that they outclass the MicroOnes. There is also no doubt that you are speaking of designs far higher in price.
For what it is worth, early on I had three MMMOnes on reserve and kept in touch with Jonathan Tinn, via email and phone, as the production process evolved for updates. How many of you have actually been able to get a prompt tech response let alone contact with the owner of a company to resolve issues with a purchase?

Jonathan was at all times accessible and completely honest about the delays they were experiencing due to a quality control issue they identified; this completely stopped the production process and required finding another manufacturer for one of the speaker components. It was very clear that quality and reputation were utmost to Jonathan and I was impressed with not only his enthusiasm for his speaker but the professionalism and commitment he had to making sure what was advertised was delivered. I see that in his comments here, and in other comments made by those who have actually purchased Jonathan's speakers, that nothing has changed; that commitment remains.

Unfortunately for me, the Big C intervened and the cash set aside for the MMMOnes, was diverted to cover medical costs. I'm hopeful that, one of these days soon, I will be calling Jonathan to fill that order he has on hold for me.

By the way, the disclaimer, I'm a consumer and not affiliated in anyway with Jonathan or any other speaker manufacturer