
Looking for suggestions to upgrade speakers ($2000). System:

Amps: B&K St-140 mono blocks
preamp: adcom GfP-750
DAC: adcom GDA-700
turntable: music hall MMF-7
phono amp: musical fidelity
CD player: Marantz SA8260 player
SPeakers: Snell KII

I know it's hard to recommend speakers and everyone says to listen to them. The problem is that I'm in Vermont, and I have one Audio store withing 150 miles with dynaudio, B&K, and Paradigm. I've listend to the Dynaudio Focus 140, but are they wasted on my system? Should other pieces of my system be upgraded first? My Snells sound a bit 'tinny/screechy'. I listen to Jazz, classical and rock on cd/vinyl.
>Should other pieces of my system be upgraded first?<

I noted that you asked if you should upgrade other componants first and thought I'd suggest a way to save you some yen for those upgrades.
What you have listed looks very good to me.
Hi Terri. You have $2000 listed as what I'm guessing is your budget and the CM5 has an MSRP of $1000. If it is $1000 and you are looking at monitors similar to the CM5, I would suggest that you listen to the PSB Imagine B. I think they would match well with your listed components and serve you well with the type of music you listen to. Clean, clear, and dynamic and your B & K amps should provide plenty of juice. Very classy looking in the cherry finish.

I have heard a lot of descriptions of K/IIs, but 'tinny/screechy' would not be one of them. Are you sure that all is well with your speakers or your system upstream?