CD Tweaks and Longterm Damage

I was reading the blurb for LAT International's C Diamond CD treatment. They bragged that it has a ph of 7, while some other tweaks they have tested have ph values as low as 5. The latter they claimed would damage CDs over time, just like Armorall did for those who used it.

Has anyone tested the ph levels for Optrix, (new and improved) Auric Illuminator, or Vivid? Do any of these pose a longterm risk for CDs?
I'll add to the Shine Ola praise--I found it made a positive difference for my discs as well. And it is a great name. Now I need to find a treatment that not only removes dust but also repels it from the disc (my Forsell goes crazy when dust gets on the disc). I've actually taken to using my Zerostat gun on discs for this purpose. So far the discs haven't disintegrated (yet).
I have compared Shine Ola to LAT International's CDiamond. While the Shine Ola is good, If found LAT's product to be unquestionably better. Provides better sound stage and much quieter back ground - all extraneous noise dissapears.

I like the Shine Ola CD product also after trying many brands over the years, as said before no residue left behind, produces very glossy clean surface. Although 3M cloth is very good (retails for $4-5) I prefer to use large 100% cotton balls found in cosmetic dept....these produce even less scratch and more finely polished CD surface IMO. I also still like to blacken outer edge of CD with marker.

If you want to really test CD treatments before applying to precious CDs, apply to black CDR and inspect under halogen desk lamp. Like black paint on car this will really expose any ultra fine surface scratching or film residue left by product.....silver CD surface tends to hide this but it is still there. Be sure and check next day, some products will later produce haze/film even after you thought you completely buffed out day before.
I have not tried Shine Ola, but AudioTop is so superior to other cd treatments that I find it hard to believe it would not be better than Shine Ola. Nevertheless, trimming with the AudioDeck is needed to bring out the full performance of cds, HDCDs, sacd, and dvdas.

I still use Viva towels to wipe off the AudioTop.
I would like to add my praise for Shine Ola as well.

I only have experience with one other product which I purchased about a year ago. ReVeel, sold by Russ Andrews ( is also advertised to 'Remove the Mould Release Agent (MRA) left on the surface of the disc from the manufacturing process'.

Just tonight I conducted an experiment.

1. Played a set of two well recorded untreated CDs (Best Audiophile Voices II - Premium Records, Cassandra Wilson - Glamoured).

2. Applied ReVeel treatment to the CDs.

ReVeel comes on an impregnated napkin in a foil pouch. You lightly scrub the disc from center to edge then rinse under warm running water. Then pat dry with a paper towel.

3. Again listened to the CDs.

4. Applied Shine Ola treatment to the CDs using the supplied 3M cloth.

5. Again listened to the CDs.

I found little difference in CD sound quality after applying ReVeel.

However after applying Shine Ola, I found a significant improvement similar to others:
- improved clarity
- better PRAT (pace, rythym, and timing)
- perceived increase in volume (maybe 1-1.5 dB)

Actually disappointed with the ReVeel since it is also advertised to remove the MRA.

Now a couple of questions for others with experience with Shine Ola:
- is application of Shine Ola just a one-shot treatment or is periodic re-application of benefit. If yes, at what frequency?
- two sprays seems to deposit plenty of solution on the CD. Is there any additional benefit/reason for applying the 3-5 sprays recommended in the instructions.
- is Shine Ola improvement transport-dependent? Are some machines/lasers better at reading the digital bits without errors? I am using a modded Toshiba 3950 DVD player feeding a Bel Canto DAC 2.0.
- what is the best way to clean the 3M cloth?
- I also get my CDs cryo-treated. Does Shine Ola need to be re-applied after cryo treatment?

Thanks in advance for any feedback.