Help with used "rock" speakers under 4K

Hi to all,
I am new on this board and would like to ask for speaker recommendation.
Looking for used speakers, under 4000.00 for listening to rock music ( loud and deep bass)
For other music - i got the magnepans 3.6r
my room is about 30x35 and ceiling 20ft (open to the top)
I have search the forums and came u with couple choices:
- B&W Matrix 801
- Aerial Acoustics 10T

any other suggestions?
Thanks a lot.
What you really should buy are some 'kick-ass' subs to add on to your 3.6s. Just turn on the subs when you want to rock out. leave them off the rest of the time.
You could buy a pair of really good (self powered) subs for $4K.
(I own 3.6s too, but no subs for me..apt dweller)
I know its a bit of a deviation from your system but I'm currently using Magnepan 1.7's with a Velodyne DD-12 (second sub is on the way). I'm super satisfied with the setup and rock music is the bulk of my listening.

Adding a pair of subs would be your best route, IMO. You'd have to give up a lot of resolution to get a different speaker altogether with more thump. Maggies w/ sub is a minimal compromise solution.