Meridian G08 or Linn Ikemi

Sadly the player I decided on is now painfully just out of reach and I am now looking at either a 3yr old Ikemi or a 7 month old G08 (both used here on Agon), I have done plenty of research on the two units but would like to hear any further input anyone may have on how these two players compare with the Ikemi being $700 cheaper.
Umm.... in case anyone cares, the above should read Meridian 201 Pre-Amp.....
I've recently been given the chance to buy a 602/606, that has been tweaked by a dealer/repairer to use as their reference player, for $1,200 - this player being more than 10 years old, I'm having difficulty in justifying whether i should buy this combo or spend the $1,200 on something more current. Can you give me some advice? I'll be running B&W 802 (matrix, not nautilus), Audio Research LS-15 and VT-100 and various good cables. thanks for your help. Jeff

I would really recommend getting a newer player. Because if that one breaks (Transport or a laser) you might not be able to repair it because of lack of parts availablity. Then your $$$ went down the drain..

Unfortunately the 602's parts are unavailable, fortunately (knock on wood) I've yet to have a problem with it.
As for musicality, it's hard to beat. They're beatifully made and finished as well. It's up to you to justify the expense, the D/A converter (606) alone is in my opinion worth a good 600$.