Why the obsession with the lowest octave

From what is written in these forums and elsewhere see the following for instance.

Scroll down to the chart showing the even lowest instruments in this example recording rolling off very steeply at 40 Hz.


It would appear that there is really very little to be heard between 20 and 40 Hz. Yet having true "full range" speakers is often the test of a great speaker. Does anyone beside me think that there is little to be gained by stretching the speakers bass performance below 30-40 cycles?
My own speakers make no apologies for going down to only 28 Hz and they are big floor standers JM Lab Electra 936s.
Duke said, "I'd choose quality bass down to 40 Hz ballpark over somewhat muddy extension down into the bottom octave. An honest 40 Hz is pretty darn deep anyway.

That being said, recently I built a semi-custom four-piece subwoofer system for a customer, and this set is theoretically -3 dB at 16 Hz after room gain. Yes, it does add something that was missing before, and my wife wants me to build us a set. How cool is that - she's actually encouraging me to put BIGGER subs in the living room!"

I for one am not impressed, a THERORETICAL -3db, who cares what you guess a system will do. Measure it and post a picture of the response and we can all be wowed.

How about a system that does +15db at 20 hz and is then extended to 13hz before it starts to drop off.
If you would like to see an ACTUAL measurement of it go here;


An "honest" 40hz really is not low, don't fool yourself.

Why the obsession with the lowest octave?
It could also bestated;
Why the obsession with the highest octave?

I like pipe organ.So of course it is necessary. Yes, most music is in the midrange. Press both your tweeters in and tell me after a week if you miss the very highest frequencies. There's hardly any music there anyways.
I haven't read all the replies, but what you miss with the lowest octave is not only bass, but especially the ambiance cues of the original site that makes a recording sound "real" and complete. Then you can talk about soundstaging and imaging. As they say, you don't know what you're missing until you get it!
"a THERORETICAL -3db, who cares what you guess a system will do." - Acoustat6

Theory is not the same as guessing; it's what designers use in the design stage.

speaker designer
The big problem I think is the idea that really low bottom octave bass sounds muddy blurred smeared etc. I happen to think it does also. Maybe I get that impression from the wretched super subs installed in that SUV 5 cars away annoying the living S**t out of me.
That being said I am curious to know what it is that I am missing out on, when these low sounds are properly reproduced. I am very curious how Duke's systems work. Yes I too was a bass freak as a kid. I grewout of it quickly and purchased Klipsch Heresys for my first real system in 1976.
At that time people really liked Cerwin Vegas for rock because they had such loud bass. I don't think any of us even knew what a subwoofer was. Maybe they weren't invented except for Bud Fried's "Coffin" system.
The new wave of music that was the thing at that time included Punk which was pretty much a distorted wall of sound played really loud. The Heresys didn't dissapoint.
The specs on my Klipsch clearly showed no bass below I think 50Hz. In real life I think they didn't make much bass below 60Hz unless you put them directly on a non carpeted floor. That's what I did. Later I used them as BookShelves really on shelves.