Best speakers for my system

Hi everybody,

I hope you can give me some good advice. I have a Levinson No. 336 amp and a Levinson No. 390S CD processor. I have Audience AU24e interconnects and speaker cables and an Audience AR6T power conditioner with an AU24 powerChord. What speakers would work well with these components? I'm overwhelmed with the choices. My budget is probably something between $5 - 12K, depending on how much the economy improves this year.
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Given your equipment and room size, I would second the recommendation for the Thiel 3.7. They like tons of SS wattage, but after a long break-in period, they will really sing. They are at the top of your budget range, but I can't imagine that you would ever want for much more. I've been lucky to hear them twice and walked away both times extremely impressed, and with a severe case of speaker lust....
Geoch, thanks for that follow-up. I think of the amps you list (at least those that I am familiar with), the Pass (depending on model) is more close to the ML amp (with the Pass possibly being a bit smoother - when in Class A operation at least). So I would think that if the Proac's are good with the Pass, they are also likely to be with the ML. Thanks also for your comments on the 38R vs. the 38. It seems like the Proacs would be a very good recommendation for the OP to listen to. I wouldn't think his ML amp would have any problem whatsoever driving the Proacs.
"Speakers are so personal!!”

Elizabeth is so right its almost trite. So, I figured, if you’re willing to to put a decision so subjective up for grabs, I’ll do a quick Audiogon search for speakers in your price range and see what jumps out. So I did; and here’s the problem: It’s not that nothing jumped out, it’s that nearly everything jumped out.

Advise: Get out there and listen. Have a ball doing it.
Phaelon, I agree with you that the OP must listen himself. I see his inquiry and the responses to it more of a direction than a blanket statement that speaker A is what he needs.

By providing us with a bit of information about his system, his tastes or objectives in sound, etc. . . I think those of us that have some experience can help get him started in a direction to achieve those goals. In a case like this, the OP (assuming that he is looking for the best feedack) would take the time to listen to a few recommendations and then come back and report what he likes or does not like about what he has auditioned. This would therefore allow for further fine tuning of recommendations. So far, there really hasn't been much of the "X speaker is what you should buy, it is the best" in terms of feedback. Most of the replies have been geared toward one or several brands that he should hear himself that the "responder" feels are both within his sound goals, budget and with a degree of (experienced) synergy with his existing equipment. This, I think, is what the OP is seeking.

But you are right, it is his ears that matter as should always be the case. Doing a search for "generic" speakers based on price range should never provide any level of experienced opinions. Much more than price range needs to be considered - synergy, sound goals, space, etc. . . A Buget is only a starting point in the sense that it can automatically rule out a specific percentage of speakers (in this case, nothing more).
I agree with you Ckoffend. If my post seemed terse, it’s because I also agree with Tom6897. Do you have any idea how many quality speakers fit the OP’s specifications?