Magico Q3 vs wilson sophia 3

Greetings to you all.
Someone listened to these speakers, if you explain me the differences.
I'm looking for a new speaker that is as transparent as possible
I think the speakers mentioned are.

If I read your post right your room is 48sq meters (or 144' sq.)?

If that is correct your room will be about 12'X12' and I don't think you need speakers that big. I would save some money and look at the Magico V2 and add a few other brands to demo.

I have not heard the Magicos but have demoed the Sophia 3 a number of times. The Sophia is a good speaker but left me wanting a number of things at the end of the day. In their price range there are speakers with better driver integration, resolution and equal dynamics. I demoed a lot of speakers in the price range of the Sophia 3 and demoed a few in the same room and the Sophia was never my top choice.

The one thing that really stood out as being exceptionally good on the Sophia 3 was the soundstage. It was always very wide and stable. It had just enough focus while maintaining a wide soundstage. Other speakers that have wide sound-stages often lose a little focus as a result.

Wilson's bass always gets high praise but I have found it very room dependent. The speakers do not go that low in a large room and really need some room gain to get under 35hz. The driver dies off around 40hz and the port picks up the lower bass but it is down in SPL. Depending on your room you may or may not get flat bass down low but that is a given for almost all speakers.

That being said all (well most...) the speakers in this price range are pretty good. Demo as many as you can and pick a winner.
Q3 should be compared to Wilson Sasha, not Sophia 3. Though Sashas seem pointless now that Sophia uses the same mid/tweet. a lot more money for a few more cycles of bass....
I have to agree with Keithr. The Sophia 3 and Sasha sound very similar and unless you have a very large room and or odd seating distance, needing the adjustable head the differences are not worth the price.
So I do not know you, but Italian is measured in square meters ..... and my room is
48sq, which is not great, but even smaller.

But some of you have heard the magic q3??