Pet Peeves

As every dog and cat owner knows, fido and fluffy may be cute, but at times they're more irritating than adorable. So, keep your puppy (and kitty) love strong with your purchase of 'My Pet Speaker'. Full details at: The speaker promises to take out frequencies that hurt animals ears, keeping them nice and clam. As you will find at the site, there is music available to help you and your pet 'listen'. Better act quickly before the animals protection and rights people visit you.
MMy pet birds love music, and I can tell when they are totally entranced by it. The Cockatiel loves Maria Callas in particular.
The Cockatiel has to stay away fron the record jackets. If he get at them, he can damage five or six in a few seconds, chewing the edges up.
He listens pretty good, and responds properly to the command "NO". but within thirty seconds he can be right back at them, IF I am not watching. (smart little bird)
The parakeet is intimidated by the Cockatiel, and stays in his cage (though the door is open) The parakeet sings along with some music (nice)
Elizabeth: ha! yes those birdies can shred some stuff in no time flat. My Blue-Crown conure and my Senegal have destroyed lots of books esp. paperbacks.. (cage was close to bookshelves) Luckily they are no where near any of the listening rooms.
Viridian, did you like the hungry fat cat video? I laughed out loud when my son sent me that link.