Mid-Fi Integrated Amps?

So I'm slowly moving up the stereo food-chain and I am seeking suggestions. I purchased a pair of PSB Synchrony 1B speakers and a Sony xa5400ES CD player. I'm using an older Denon receiver that is my next piece to be replaced. I'm thinking an integrated amp in the 100-150 watts range or thereabouts to get the best out of my speakers. My budget is around $1500 and the contestants so far are an NAD C275bee, the Anthem 225, and the Cambridge 840A. Their are 2 Anthem dealers reasonably close, but neither has the 225 as a demo. The other two I've listened to, but not in my system yet. I'm looking for suggestions from those that have long-term listening with Synchrony speakers or other amps within my budget that I've overlooked. Thanks
A 2nd vote for the Anthem 225. Superb SS integrated, priced unbelievably low for the sonic performance and features if offers. Built like a tank as is all Anthem gear. And Sonic Frontiers is a great company to deal with in the event you need service or have technical questions.
I cannot vouch for the Anthem, but have spend a good amount of time with NAD. They are truly amazing for their price. Mike84 brings up a good point, you could put that 1500 dollars in a used piece if that is your budget or buy the NAD or Anthem used and pocket the money for other upgrades. Although 1500 could get you an intergrad from plinius, sim audio, classe, cary, cj, etc....the NAD will give you a good taste of high end...for not a high price!

If it was me I would spend 400-450 on a used NAD c272 and get a nice litte tubed preamp from AES(cary) or conrad johnson (500-700). It would take a good amount of money to outclass this combo IMO
The Bel Canto S300iu deserves consideration. Well within your price range on A'gon and a solid performer. Performs above it's pay grade IMHO. I use one in my office system and am consistently stopped in my tracks at its resolution and imaging.
personally I agree with mMike84 ... go used! if you are worried about warranty etc, their are some companies that offer 10yr or longer (20 in the case of Bryston) transferable warranty.

A Bryston B60SST would be a nice match with your speakers and used would be at your price point I believe. Make sure you get a copy of the original receipt for warranty transfer.

Definitely go used. Good-quality amps will last 25+ years with little to no sonic degradation. Shop Audiogon, plenty of good deals here...
