Single Driver Recommendations + amp Qs, Omega?

Thinking of trying out a pair of Single Driver speakers. Looking for a bookshelf monitor and the Omega Super 3R seemed to pop up quite a bit in some older (5+ yrs.) posts. Looking to find a used pair at $500 or less. Besides the Omega, anything else I should look for? Are there British single driver monitors in this range?

It seemed most were using low output tube amps to drive the Omegas. Can the Omegas or other single driver monitors be driven with a solid state amp? I have a Magnum Audio MF330 Mofset 2x150W amp. Is this amp OK for Omega's or other single driver monitors?
Those Hoyt-Bedfords look fantastic. I wish I had another room to try out a pair. Good luck and make sure to give us some feedback!
For years I drove Omega Grande 8R with 3 watts of Moth S2A3 SET in a 28x17x8 room. Crazy, I know, but it worked! At 96 db efficiency, the Omegas couldn't shake the furniture and would strain somewhat at high SPLs but still sounded remarkably intimate and immediate while reaching down surprisingly low. (They're spec'ed down to 45 Hz.) Now I'm pushing 18 push-pull triode watts via a Manley Stingray II and the sound is more powerful and full in the space while still retaining that special single-driver ability to communicate music directly. Never tried SS but my guess is that any hardness in the amp would be communicated directly, too.
"the Omegas couldn't shake the furniture and would strain somewhat at high SPLs "

What I actually meant was that the Moth S2A3 amp would stain at high SPLs. The Omegas can take a lot of power without strain. Excuse my mis-speaking.
Morganc - Not 100% sold on these yet, but if I do get them I will share my impressions.
Stevensctt: The competitor I would look at would be the Tekton Lores. The reviews are great so far and the price is stellar. It is a bit over budget, but i bet that there sales prices will soon rise.