Maker Audio NL14 and NL14+...

I would be grateful to hear any listening impressions from those of you who will be lucky enough to hear the NL14+ amps at CES or who have heard them previously. In particular if you already own an NL 10.1 or NL 12.1 and hear the 14s and are thinking of upgrading, please let me know as well. Thank you!
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xzephyr24069
I'm still running my NL 12.1 (very happily); the upgrade to the 14+ has not happened yet unfortunately.
Glory: Let us know how they sound! Did you pick up that pair that was advertised here on the 'gon? If so, the prior owner is a great guy; talked to him several times but could not pull the trigger; I'd say you got a great deal in that case on a fantastic pair of amps!