Attn Vinyl lovers - what CD Player do you use?

While reading through the many threads on Vinyl vs. CD, I thought it might be interesting to see what CD transports/players Vinyl fans use when not listening to their analog rig?
Denon DCD 1650 VERY analog-like. Bought two months ago. A good buy. Unsure about servie though. Anyone have ideas about service.
My transport is a TRIODE TRV-CD4SE tube CD player feeding thru the new REGA DAC. Still love the vinyl sound but this combo is very close.
Theta digital ds pro prime ii dac and theta data basic transport. Awesome combo. Also adcom gcd-750 and Sony xa20es..
I have a Naim UnitiQute and on the rare occasion I play a CD, I use an Arcam DV88 Plus (DVD player) as a transport. One of the reasons I got a UnitiQute instead of the NaimUniti is that I don't really need a CD player. I have ripped all my CDs to FLAC and stream when I want to hear them.
i was reading a review of the OPPO 95 recently in ENJOY THE I had to laugh as the reviewer and his panel don't like digital. They went so far as to say they couldn't listen to the 95 for any extended period of time and that the only digital approaching vinyl cost over $100K. My question why were they reviewing a digital player? How do I use a review where the reviewers say this about digital? What a pointless effort. I want to know how it compares to other digital units. Not a rant against digital.