magnestand owners

I would like to hear from past or current owners of Peter Gunns mods on Magnepan speakers, especially the 1.6 Magnepan. If there are others out there that mod Magnepan please post it here. What has been your expierence? Did the mod make it state of the art or darn close? Was dynamic contrast better which is one of the weaknesses of Magnepan speakers.My room is 14x20 dedicated. Line drive is Mccormacl MLD amp DNA-1 both modded by SMC to the Platinum+ level. Phono stage Audio Research PH-3SE modded by Steve Huntly to the reference level. If you know anything about these mods for Magnepan speakers please post your info. Thanks.
Ag insider logo xs@2xsaygrr
The theory of panel stiffness and the resonant qualities of wood are 'sound'.
The reviews of listeners/buyers are almost universally positive.

MDF is awful stuff and while good for 'boxes', leaves something to be desired for panel frames.

I have NOT yet read an independent review.

And, don't forget that PG also sends you a substantially modified crossover 'at no charge'.......

If I had the loot, I'd sent him my panels in a heartbeat. Make mine Sepele.

I assume you've been to the Magnestand site and read it 'from cover to cover'......

Let US know what you think if you pursue this path. I'm convinced that my 1.6s can be taken to a level above the 1.7 for a lot less coin.....
THE place to read about Peter Gunn and all the folks who have had him mod thier Magnepans, is at the Audio Asylum
Planar forum:
All things planar are discussed, and Peter Gunn himself is a regular contributor, and gets both praised and lamblasted on a pretty regular basis.
(Not too much criticism of the mods he does. The discussions get lively, and it's a big family...)
I own Maggies, an owner since last Spring of new 3.6s
Some of the pictures of mods done by Peter and self made wodd mod frames are worth the look. (drool....)
No joke about the drool factor.
I'm taking woodshop so I can make my own frames and external crossover boxes.......
the mod to my mg 2a,s took them to a whole new level(crossover mods) ive had 1.6 speakers for about a year and have done pg crossover mods to them also! As i expected they went to a new level
Peter Gunn is a "back woods" Wood butcher, and his Magnestands match the Decor of a Log Cabin IMO! I like the "Stock" "Modern" look of Magnepans.

His "claims" of increased power efficiency are BS!

The "Stock" Xover is superior to Peter Gunn's IMO!

The Stock Xover was Designed and Patented By Nelson Pass!
It can be "Slightly" improved by substituting expensive inductors, capacitors, AND taking into account the resistance of the stock inductors.
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