Monitor speakers for Ayon Triton

I am looking to switch my Totem Model 1 Signature speakers with something more efficient to pair with the Ayon Triton. The problem is I need something in the $2,000 price range which is the same size, give or take a few inches, a the Totem Model 1. I don't care if they're used. I really think the Totem's need even more power than the 80 watts the Triton produces in Pentode. On high volume levels the bass is not defined and the treble is too sharp. Any suggestions?
Acoustic Zen Crescendos, the best match for the Triton, I have been working pay the credit cards, but every night i worked on the ICu and i come home exhausted and turn my system, all i say worthy overall....

I auditioned many ou there, go for the adaggio if you cant get the crescendos,

good luck,
The Coincident Technology Triumph Extreme's are excellent monitors. Like all Coincident speakers, they are very easy to drive and they sound great, particularly if your source components are great.

I have bought 5 of them to use in my home theatre set-up and couldn't be happier. What is also great about these speakers is that Coincident also makes a passive subwoofer that acts as a stand for them. So I bought 2 subwoofers for the front two channels and then bought Coincident's 3 custom stands for the remaining speakers. This has worked out extraordinarily.
