CD Player Transformed by Power Cable

I recently purchased an Audio Refinement Complete Alpha CDP to go with my matching integrated and tuner. Even after plenty of breakin hours I found the player to be a bit dull, two dimensional, a little weak and ill defined in the bass department, and generally lacking in microdynamics (all in comparison to my Rotel 855).
I had in the closet a Signal Cable Magic Power cord that didn't do much for me on my integrated awhile back. Just for the heck of it I threw it in the mix on the CDP. I certainly was surprised how it changed the sound of the player. With the Magic Power cord the player now is much more vibrant, microdynamic and open sounding. The bass is also stronger (more heft) and I think more defined and tunefull. The only downside is a little hash on upper voices, etc. I could live with this now, but I'm curious about whether the digital Signal Cable power cords would lose the hash without losing the good things. Frank's website says that his basic digital power cord is warmer, but I don't want to lose the openness.

Any advice?

I have also had great luck with all Frank's cables ... I have read a few reviews that give him very high marks; even compared to the big boys. I tried his Silver Resolution IC's and I'm hooked. His customers service is wonderful.

I'm using his Digital Reference power cord on my Krell CDP and again I'm very happy with the results. Frank provides a 30 day "try it and return it" policy if it doesnt provide the kind of results you are looking for. It's only going to cost you postage to try it out. I'm going to have him make me a custom 90 degree cord for my Levinson 360S. One thing about them ... they are very stiff so I had to bend it a little to make it work in my rack configuration. I was having trouble with it working loose every time I played around in the back.

Granted ... it's not a Shunyata or Cardas but for the money I think it provides great results.

Every system and every set of ears are different - thats my 2 cents.
Ssglx, have you tried anything with isolation? I'm using the complete and complete cd with some jm labs cobalt 806S speakers. Sounds very good. I don't notice the dull and 2 dimensional sound that you speak of. Each piece of equipment I have has it's own shelf in my rack. And the amplifier and cd player each sit on a piece of 1" granite. Maybe isolation is the issue?

Good luck with the power cords and let us know how it goes. I'll be interested to hear your results as we have fairly similar systems.
Your system ("back to the basics") shows a different CDP and integrated?? Where are you using the Transparent Audio powercord.

Are you using the stock power cord with your Complete CDP?

I have good access to Cardas and Transparent Audio demos. I may also try those, in addition to the other Signal cables.

I did try several isolation methods with my Rotel 855 CDP, Ayre wood blocks (Cardas), vibrapods, sorbothane pads. I didn't hear much difference. I've kept it on sorbothane and it sounds glorious. Maybe I didn't try hard enough, but the differences were not as stark as my adventures with cables through my system. I think I have a pretty sharp ear for my system, and I am affected profoundly by the music when it comes together.
Ssglx, you are right. I haven't updated my system yet. I just recently switched to the AR complete and cd player with the JM labs speakers. I am using the transparent on the amplifier and the stock one on the cd player.

I am using audio quest tpye 4 terminated to the speakers without a ton of luck. I am tempted to try the anticables that you speak of.

Are you using them currently?
I did try the anticables. I mostly liked them (twisted), but in my system they didn't do most things as well as the Mapleshades. I really like my music vibrant, rich in tone, and alive. I get all that and great bass too, so I put up with some sizzle on some recordings to get the rest.