Reimyo DAP 777 - looking for a good transport

I bought a used Reimyo DAP 777 and I'm amazed. Some months ago I was lucky to have lived with the one box CDP 777 for a few days - which I cannot afford. The CDP sounds even more natural and organic, but the DAC offers tremendous value as you manage to get a good fraction of the one box player performance for a lot less money ...

I'm using it with my 508.24 Meridian cd player while I don't get a dedicated transport.

Which transports shoud I consider? CEC? Audio Note? What about the old Wadia's or Teac? I have also the chance of getting a Procee CDD ...

Any insights are warmly welcome :o)

I have been using the DAP-777 with a Teac Esoteric P-10, which is the baby brother of the famous P-2. IMHO the Teac transports are great for any DAC, and the DAP-777 is no exception.

I have been wondering whether the better sound of the CDP (haven't heard it, just read about it) is due more to the transport or to its 2nd-generation K2 dac (24 bit resolution vs 20 bit).
First of all, thank you all for your informative feedback :o)

Regarding the CDP vs DAP
I had both at home. I'm a friend of the Portuguese distributor of Reimyo and as we presented it in an audioshow, I had it at home for a few days.
The CDP changed what I believed was possible getting from the redbook. It's awesome.

It's not strightforward to compare the CDP with the DAP as I did some changes no the setup since then, but I would say the CDP sounds even more natural and organic, but the DAP appears to sound more visceral and with more immediacy (but the CDP was brand new).

Regarding the price, the new CDP costs 14000 Euro here ... I got the used DAP for a 1500 Euro. I could afford the latter, not the former ...
So, Tbj, you see my point?


I heard good things about the audionet and found someone selling the Art V1 - do you know how it compares to the V2?

to all:
I know of someone who will sell a Denon DP-S1 ( ... I bet this and the Reimyo would be - i guess - a "dream team". How much would be thr market value of one of these?

Vermeer, I do indeed see your point. I have always wondered why the DAP is so cheap. Certainly you cannot say that about any other Reimyo gear, not that I am suggesting that the CDP, the preamp, or my amp are overpriced considering what you get. I am struggling to find out how I can afford the CDP. I have the Exemplar 3910 and doubt if the DAP can rival it, but I know the CDP can.