Reimyo DAP 777 - looking for a good transport

I bought a used Reimyo DAP 777 and I'm amazed. Some months ago I was lucky to have lived with the one box CDP 777 for a few days - which I cannot afford. The CDP sounds even more natural and organic, but the DAC offers tremendous value as you manage to get a good fraction of the one box player performance for a lot less money ...

I'm using it with my 508.24 Meridian cd player while I don't get a dedicated transport.

Which transports shoud I consider? CEC? Audio Note? What about the old Wadia's or Teac? I have also the chance of getting a Procee CDD ...

Any insights are warmly welcome :o)

Tomer, I just ordered a Wadia 270se and am going to listen to it with my Reimyo, then have it modified by Steve at GNS. I will let all know how this unit worked and what improvement I see.

Get a Victor XL-Z900...its basically a Reimyo 777. Reimyo took the transport and the K2 architecture from the Victor unit...i compared both recently via digital coaxial output and you cant tell the difference.

The Victor XL-Z900 retails at $4000...a nice saving on the Reimyo.

Back from the dead....

Looking at picking up a DAP-777 soon. Anyone else have thoughts on a good matching transport? Like to keep it ~$1000 if possible. Thanks!