TRL Marantz Sa-14

After speaking to Paul at TRL I am very curious to hear from those who own this unit what improvements do you hear with the player before and after the mod.

The SA-14 sounds weak in the bass and has no dynamics in comparison to some players like the Sony Scd-1 in stock form. Has anyone compared the TRL Sa-14 to the Sony Scd-1?
Uva hifi the thought never occured to me that the TRL may have a kind of house sound and that it did not matter which player one has. But I can't believe that this assumption could be true. Although Paul does not reveal what changes he makes with his mod, he did indicate that the SA-14 after treatment was comparable to his expensive reference and made no mention that this is true of the Sony players.

For me I am looking for bang for my bucks since digital is changing so quickly and mod ROI (return of investment) is minimal. I hope someone can comment on what effect the TRL mod has had on the stock Marantz SA-14 or any other hi-end player.

UVA, the DV-50 was probably the worst sounding 2ch cd player I ever owned. By default, the Marantz 14 would most certainly have to "sound" better. It is my opinion these days, that there does not exist a stock player at or below approx the 8k price range that is worth my listening time. As far as TRL is concerned, I ordered a SA-11 to hear for myself how it compares to the stock unit I owned. Again, the stock SA-11 I view as worthless.
Uva_hifi, do you know how the SA-14 compares to the SA-11S1? Seems like people either love the SA-11S1 or hate it. According to a review on Positive Feedback, the SA-14 really didn't sound significantly different than the Marantz 8620 SACD player, which goes around $800 these days. The reviewer went on to say that the Marantz engineers acknowledged this, and the new model(SA-11S1)is supposed to rectify the shortcommings of the SA-14.
Very good questions by all.
It does seem to be the case by some modders to make extreme claims about their new and improved mod that they are now offering that "blows away" whatever they did before to that unit. Makes you wonder. Especially if you blew several thousand dollars on their mod from last year. I should say that I tend to gravitate toward the mod as an enhancement approach versus modding as re-engineering school. If you have to replace almost all parts and totally re-engineer a unit-why did you buy that unit?

FWIW, it appears that TRL uses their $30,000 processor as a reference. They have not made claims to my knowledge that the Sony 595, then the Sony 2000 almost equals it, and then next week claim something else almost equals it. They avoid extreme hyperbole in their comments from what I have seen.
They do have opinions, however FWIW. Every modder does.

They do seem to think that the 2000 is a slight improvement on the 595 in certain ways. They seem to apparently think that the SA14 and SA11's are better mod platforms than the 2000, and also the Esoterics, and Denons they have worked on. They are assessing other models.

Actually, TRL thinks the SA14/SA11's are great units by all communication I have had with them. That does not mean that they do not feel that there are areas that can be improved upon. There are posters on this thread who feel strongly that the SA14/SA11's have issues. You get that with any well reviewed unit though, including the Benchmark, et al.

Whether the TRL mod to these or any units is truly what you also idealize as better can become subjective without a doubt.

Now, if Jack Seaton (Jes45) can pipe in here, he can provide more clarity than any of us as he has heard most of these TRL modded units firsthand.

Hi Gang,

I heard a Marantz SA-14 version 1 that a friend had sent off for mods. Stock the unit sounded okay, but had a narrow and shallow sound stage. Frequency extension stock wasn't bad, there was suitable bass and highs. It wasn't so much what the stock unit did 'wrong" for my friend, but rather how much better it could be once modified that determined his purchase of a $550 TRL mod.

First impressions after modification; Dan's SA-14 had a wider and deeper stage, it lost the digital glare, edge or whatever you want to call it, and it also had tighter bass. The unit had around 150 to 170 hours on it the last time I'd heard it and it definitely had broken in and relaxed a little further. Detail and micro dynamics are much improved, allowing you to hear 'into" the recording a little more. Dynamics also greatly improved. Dan mentioned to me that he has heard many minute details on his favorite recordings that he had not heard before, which concurs with my impressions.

I am waiting for the Marantz SA-11's to hit port and will have TRL modify one after a short break in period (remaining stock), so I'll really know what the TRL mod offered.

In as far as comparisons to the TRL $30K player/DAC, the TRL is unmatched. I have NEVER heard anything close, however the TRL mods offer a great taste and has the same 'house sound' as others have mentioned. I can't afford the $30K TRL combo. I can afford their $550 mod. I don't understand how Paul's making reference to the player should be seen as anything other than it is ... HIS reference, just as the huge $140k GT-800's are HIS refernce amps too.

Folks need to remember that Paul isn't some guy that quit his day job and cleaned out his garage to become a modifier. He is an established manufacturer of 15 years known for building some of the finest and best sounding amplifiers in the World, of which I am proud to say that I own.

As far as the SA-14 versus the SA-11, I'll have to wait and hear for myself. The new SA-11's are going to be within 2 to 4 weeks?, who knows? I'll share my opinion, for what it is worth, once I hear the 2 side by side.